News and notes from Reston (tm).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Reston Magazine: Come for the Pool Schedules, Stay for the DRB Word Search

Restonmag.jpgYou could sit by your mailbox for the next few weeks, waiting for a uniformed federal agent to deliver your copy of the fall edition of Reston: The Magazine (assuming the aforementioned mailbox is compliant with your cluster and/or DRB requirements on the placement, size and color of mail repositories). Or you could just fire up your Internet machine and visit the RA's fancy "web site" to download it now.

That's what we did with the Sinclair ZX-81 that powers Restonian World Headquarters, and we could tell you all about the pep talk from RA President Kathleen Driscoll McKee, who compares decision-making about Reston's future to the Iroquois Nation, only minus the earth-toned smallpox blankets... or maybe the exciting description of Small Tax District 5... or the return of Earl the Squirrel... or even the "stroke of the week."

But instead, we'll just share the DRB-inspired "covenants word find," which makes 15 laborious tasks "associated with the window replacement process" exciting and fun! Seriously. Sadly, the words "taupe," "lien," and "red mulch" don't appear to be included, but we think we've found our replacement for the New York Times crossword puzzle this weekend.


Bonus points for the first person who finds a verboten RA term hidden in the puzzle, like maybe "fuchsia."


  1. "...sit by your mailbox for the next few weeks, waiting for a uniformed federal agent..."

    I've been expecting a visit from a uniformed federal agent for years.

  2. Peasant From Less Sought After South RestonAugust 13, 2010 at 2:41 PM

    Well, I didn't find any verboten terms in the word chart, but there still were some very appropriate items:

    RIP - first column, from fourth letter down

    NO - sixteenth column, top letter down

    SOS - 10th row, from eighth letter over

    Or, to make an edgy avant-garde play about the DRB in three acts and only eight letters:

    Act 1 Reston resident: "SOS!"
    Act 2 DRB: "No!"
    Act 3 Reston resident: RIP

  3. just when you think they have run out of seriously stupid uses of assessment money

  4. They have our money and they mean to keep it

  5. Anon 9:03,
    No, they have our money and they intend to SPEND it.

  6. Makes you just want to beat the rush and move to Reston before everyone else...

  7. No they have our money and mean to keep SPENDING it. "Reston" is (as could of been predicted too institutional there is little of real interest to get you turning the pages.


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