News and notes from Reston (tm).

Friday, December 23, 2011

Seasonally Appropriate Greetings From Your Favorite Planned Community

Tasteful lights.jpeg

From the Twitter machines, Reston holiday decorations the way the DRB likes them: in dazzling monochrome.

As we settle in for a long winter's nap, please to be enjoying some fancy videos of the holiday season in Reston. First up, a tastefully appropriate seasonal offering:

Nice! And now, in the spirit of the Most Awesome Video Ever Shot in Reston, here's one with just the right mix of consumerism, festive lights, rap, and freestyle cycling. What more could anyone possibly want?

Happy holidays, one and all.


  1. Click on the snowflake in the toolbar in the top video and you'll swear it's Snowpocalypse 2011. Nice touch.

  2. Carl Bergson, did you get permission from RTC/AWOD before you shot this footage?

    Mauvy Xmas and Happy Dues Year, from The Convict, The Convictress and The Delinquents.

  3. Our fake gritty urban core never looked so rad until the totally badass mt. biker rode all over it!


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