News and notes from Reston (tm).

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here We Go Again: Metro Does Yet Another Survey, This Time About Silver Line Station Names

Metro station names.jpeg

Taking a rare breather from "single tracking" trains during rush hour due to occult smoke and/or rails splitting in two for no apparent reason, Metro has decided to focus on what's really important: conducting a survey about the names of the awesome Silver Line stations, just like they did when they were toying with the idea of calling the train to Dulles the Cherry Blossom Pink Line. Of course, if they had just listened to our initial suggestions, we wouldn't be in this bind, but no matter!

Predictably, Herndonites are all up in arms about the other sharing a station name with Reston, despite the fact that the station and the parking will be on the Reston side of the Toll Road and there's a sizable contingent of town residents who want nothing more than a sidewalk on their side of the station to keep out the other development that might hurt the town's unique character, so you know they'll be voting in the survey in droves -- maybe with enough votes to call their station the "Jimmy's Old Town Station."

Fear not -- as Restonites, you can preserve the honor of our earth-toned community by taking the fancy survey yourself. In the spirit of the "voters guides" of yesteryear, we'll offer our suggestions for each station below:

Station names survey.jpg

First up, the Tysons stations:

Station 1.jpg

Come to think of it, that name will work for all of the Tysons stations, except for maybe the one next to the Wal-Mart. Let's just skip the rest and move on to Reston's bollardy goodness.


OBVSLY. As an added bonus, maybe we can talk Jimmy Buffett into recording a kick-ass anthem for the parking garage.

Station 6.jpg

Really, there can be only one name for this one, right?

Station 7.jpg

Alternately, if you really want to annoy our neighbors to the west, you could suggest calling it the Polo Fields station.

We'll ignore the rest of the stations, as they'll never be built beyond here there only be dragons, the end.


  1. I think the Herndon station should be called "Day Labor West".

    1. I was thinking of something like "Barrio" or "Illegalsville" myself

  2. I voted. The Wiehle station should be called
    'This is as close to Dulles as you're ever going to get by train, so you might as well get off now and take a cab the rest of the way' station.

  3. I love the idea of Crystal Koons Plaza

  4. I think it should be named in honor of Cathy Hudgins, especially with respect to her solution for every problem that exists in Reston...

    ...which is to hold a endless series of charrettes.

    So, I'm voting in favor of the name Charretteville Station.

    Of course, just like with the revitalization of Lake Anne, we'll need to hold 10-plus years of public input on the proposed name.

  5. I'm thinkin':

    Blinkin' &

  6. Station 6 should be either "Reston Fake Downtown" or "Jackson's Junction."

  7. These are all terrible suggestions, as they fail to have University names appended to them like every other Virginia Metro stop. For instance, the Tysons West station should be Tysons West-BYU-UCLA station, while Wiehle Avenue should be Wiehle Avenue-Nanjing Agricultural University.

  8. I named the Wiehle station "The Hot Zone"! Never hurts to get a tie in with a best selling book. Though in retrospect maybe I should've named it "Outbreak Starring Dustin Hoffmen Station".


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