News and notes from Reston (tm).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On The YouTubes: The EPA Comes to Reston

Please to be enjoying this exciting video from the beloved viral video sensation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Our first thought was "Superfund site," but instead the EPA wanted to showcase the RA's lakeshore protection project, which mostly involves avoiding the construction of bulkheads on the shoreline through the use of natural plantings and "coconut fiber biologs," which sounds to us like something you'd buy at Whole Foods as a low-fat alternative to a Texas donut, the end.


  1. Boy, was I disappointed -- I thought they said "coconut fiber BLOG". Where does someone go to get the latest coconut fiber news?

  2. Peasant From Less Sought After South RestonFebruary 28, 2012 at 12:20 PM

    Has the EPA also looked into the possibility of using dead dogs named Hank as natural shoreline bulkheads?

    1. ♪ I've got a lovely bunch of coconut biologs,
      There they all are, standing in a row - ♪♪ - the late Merv Griffin

      ♪♪ It's not easy being green...♪♪♪

      - the very much extant Kermit the Frog


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