News and notes from Reston (tm).

Monday, October 28, 2013

ZOMG Hawt Celebrity Sighting in Reston

Ed Asner.jpeg
In our endless quest to grab some of that sweet sweet organic search cash money, we looked at the exciting entertainment news coming out of downtown this weekend and decided it was high time to find some hawt entertainment news from our own beloved planned community. Fortunately for us, our BFFs at the Connection were on the scene at a blistering-hot red appropriately earth-toned with flecks of red carpet ceremony downtown in the Fake Downtown, as part of the Washington West Film Festival. The voice of the curmudgeon from Up? It doesn't get hawtter than that!

Just to be safe, we've hard-coded "Lou Grant sideboob" into the meta tags of this post approximately 42 times. We'll just be waiting for those ad dollars to roll in, the end.


  1. "Lou Grant Sideboob" would be a GREAT name for a band.

  2. Ooooooooh Looooooouuuuuuuuuu!


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