News and notes from Reston (tm).

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dog-Gone-It: North Restoners File Injunction to Shutter Dog Park, Demand Cone of Silence Over Baron Cameron

Sadder dogsAfter threatening a lawsuit over the noise coming from the dog park at Baron Cameron Park, a group of North Reston homeowners have now filed a preliminary injunction demanding that the park be shuttered. Give us some good blockquote, BFFs at Reston Now:

The neighbors filed the preliminary injunction last week in Fairfax County Circuit Court, saying the park “constitutes a private nuisance.”

“The dog park noise, mainly from unruly dogs barking and fighting, has grown to intolerable levels over the last two years and is likely to become even more severe in the spring and summer months,” says the court document.

“On its worst days, the noise is incessant,” the document states. “The nuisance noise at the dog park disrupts the Longwood Grove Plaintiffs’ reasonable use and enjoyment of their properties.”
All the better to enjoy the soothing sound of traffic coming from quaint country road Wiehle Avenue, which separates the plaintiffs from the dog park.

Of course, there is, as they say in the movies, a plan: As part of a master-planning process for Baron Cameron Park, there are already plans to move the dog run into the interior of the park. The only catch? That plan involves the construction of the awesome new 90,000 square foot recreation center that's been discussed of late. We're sure that's not going to bother any litigation-happy neighbors, nosiree. Nothing to see here, and definitely nothing to listen to!



  1. I'll take Nuisance Lawsuits for $100, Alex.

  2. Must be cat owners.

  3. Would I be wrong in assuming that Longwood Grove isn't the other side of the Rainbow Bridge?

  4. It is not possible to sue the plaintiffs for a frivolous lawsuit. But it is possible to sue their lawyers. Just sayin'.

  5. Abuse of process. Plaintiffs' preliminary injunction will be denied. Lawyer will send large bill to plaintiffs. End of story.

  6. Is nobody else here aware of the the Fairfax County noise ordinances? Or of how annoying constant dog barking is? These people have a valid complaint.

    1. The noise ordinances allow for noise generated by normal recreational activities in park areas. Noise is a part of life in very densely populated suburban areas with shared recreation space like Reston.

      Most people in the dog park take the issue seriously and do a pretty good job of controlling the barking when I've been there. It's a dog park, though, and there is going to be some barking.

      So, what's next? Suing over kids making noise at the playgrounds? If you want to live in a lifeless, noiseless, joyless, and sterile environment why would you move next to a park in a crowded suburb where the only outdoor recreational space is in the parks (most people don't have a yard to speak of in North Reston)?

  7. I can't blame them for being irritated by the noise. I live close by (I dont hear the noise) and we pay big money to live in North Reston. Our homes are pricey and our tax bills too. So I hope they move the dog park to Herndon or better yet, South Reston. I'm sure all of those delinquents that live in the apartments on Glade drive need a place to show off their gangsta pitbulls.

    1. Wow. Entitled much? Maybe your pricey tax bills can pay for a giant gilded dome over North Reston to keep the riff-raff out, with one door in and out (facing Great Falls, of course.)

    2. I like both ideas!

      But I could probably live with the dog park if the second idea (keeping the riffraff out) was energetically implemented.


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