News and notes from Reston (tm).

Friday, July 10, 2015

Name Switch in Reston Town Center Leaves Us Confused, Feeling Feels

In the heart of our gritty urban core Reston Town Center sits a fancypants apartment building called The Metropolitan Cosmopolitan. Wait, what?

Turns out the apartment building, described as "Reston's premier apartment community," changed owners and names in recent months. They also had some poor graphic designer come up with a new logo that oddly resembles a Pokemon ball, as the kids would well have known a generation ago, and bought some fancy stock photos for their "web site."

 But What Does It All Mean? Will other RTC mainstays soon change their name to appear more cosmopolitan upscale? Will the Apple store become the Honeycrisp Apple Store? Will South Moon Under become North Moon Under? Will Jacksons become Reagans? We went to the Googles to see if there was some subtext behind the name change, and found this:
Metropolitan - Large cities which have large population and have numerous opportunities for employment. Metro areas are typically linked to the adjoining cities in socio-economic terms. For example LA metropolitan area is linked to LA City in economic and social terms. 
Cosmopolitan - Larger cities where the population is composed of people from various cultural backgrounds. These people co-exist with each other very easily because of their broad mindedness. 
A city can be both metropolitan and cosmopolitan, both but a metropolitan area may not always be cosmopolitan.
What if it's neither?

 If they were going for high-class with the name change, maybe they should have gone with this instead:



  1. I heard a rumer that all episodes of THE CONTINENTAL are based around the affairs of one ex New Yorker named R. E. S..

    Can anyone confirm this?

  2. Why would they rename everything? They switched owners to ONE apartment building not RTC. Happens a lot. -_-


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