News and notes from Reston (tm).

Friday, January 24, 2020

Reston: The Sofa Uncannily Like Reston: The Planned Community

Someone on the Facebook machine shared this cellular telephone photo of the most exciting innovation in sectional sleeper sofas since, wedunno, they added a cupholder to the Barcalounger?

As befits an innovative sofa with "a trundle mattress disguised as the sofa's front rail," the fine folks at Crate & Barrel named it after our equally innovative plastic fantastic planned community. We couldn't possibly be prouder of our eponymous piece of furniture. Let's take a closer look at why:

But where Reston: The Sofa really earns its imprimatur is when they tempt you with the color wheel:

Except that's not what you get, silly rabbits!

"Curious, Mink" sounds like the name of a 1960s softcore romance novel, but otherwise this palette is pretty much what DRB members see when they close their eyes at night, so in conclusion we highly recommend each Restonian buy four of five of these babies and stack them in their front yards, the end.

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