Lake Anne residents will be able to enjoy the tepid chills of lake-cooled air conditioning at least a bit longer. The Reston Association says that fewer than half of the eligible households -- far below the needed 2/3 supermajority -- voted in a fancy fun referendum to revoke the covenants prohibiting homes in RELAC's service area from installing individual air conditioning systems for their homes, at least not without a medical (cough cough) provision like the ones your Restonian's roommates may have used way back in college (School of Hard Knocks, '64).
But we digress! Give us some typo-riddled blockquote, BFFs at Reston Patch:
If the referendum had past [sic], residents in the affected clusters would've been able [sic] install individual cooling systems for their homes.
With RELAC's future in doubt after the company managing the jet-aged system announced it was ending service late last year, the RA had actually encouraged residents to vote to change the covenant to allow the sweet sweet sound of freedom AC units grinding away behind each home. With the covenants unchanged, the only way to install your own AC is to visit your "doctor" about your "allergies" -- a tactic which the former operators blamed for the shutdown in the first place.
Even progressive Denmark is half a century behind RELAC, just now building a space age water body sourced central heating system: